Whoa! After completing 139 lab exercises and intensive 12 hour exam in 1.5 months, I am finally a Certified DevSecOps Professional too. 🎉
Warmly recommend this excellent course for technical Product Owners, architects or engineers who want to gain hands-on skills on how to embed security across modern SDLC.
The labs covered running below mentioned security tools using Docker and building E2E DevOps pipeline with integrated security automation using GitLab, Jenkins, CircleCI and GitHub Actions.
SCA: Safety, pip-audit, RetireJS, dependency-check, Snyk, npm audit, auditjs, bundler-audit SAST: Trufflehog, detect-secrets, Bandit, Gosec, semgrep, hadolint, FindSecBugs, njsscan, pylint, Brakeman, SonarQube DAST: nikto, nmap, SSLyze, ZAP, Dastardly Infra as Code/hardening: Ansible, AnsibleVault, TFLint, Checkov, Terrascan, tfsec, Snyk Compliance as Code: Inspec for CIS Benchmark, ASVS, Docker compliance Vulnerability mgmt using DefectDojo